Sunday, June 1, 2008

Getting ready to sell!

I have been so worried about jinxing our plans, that I have not wanted to tell to many people about them. I have decided if I want what is best for my family, I have to relinquish control to a higher power, and trust the Lord to provide the path. (I pray He helps me to keep my eyes open to see his path.) So here I am, telling all of you ... we are getting our house ready to sell. There, I said it.

Cam and I have found a house we REALLY like, with enough room for us now and in the future. (6 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, two bonus rooms, some fruit trees already planted, and plenty of room for a vegetable garden!) We are working hard to make the dream of owning this house, into a reality. One of the MANY projects on the way to getting our current house ready to sell, is finishing the retaining wall I started across the front yard.

Gavin and Cam are working on the wall while Brianne and Claire supervise from the shade. (It may look like dirt in front of the wall, but it's actually the asphalt lined gutter, a perfect base for my wall.) I'll try to keep you posted on our progress!

1 comment:

Beth said...

That is going to make a HUGE difference. Looks good. The girls are slackin' though! :)