Unbeknownst to her father and I, some weeks ago, Jocelyn entered a coloring contest with the rest of her 1st grade class. Yesterday Cam received a call from the Paradise Pines Property Owners Association to inform him that Jocelyn had won First Prize and would be receiving a certificate at the 2nd Annual Pancake Breakfast and Car Show. So....while I sat at work, answering calls for medical emergencies and calls from citizens who are unable to make their own decisions, Cam, Jocelyn, Claire, Mom and Aunt Sandy all went for pancakes, and the awards ceremony. Congratulations Jocelyn! I am so proud of you!
Notice the phonetic spelling on the last name?
Claire, who adores her older sisters and is Jocelyn's shadow, wanted her picture taken too. She would like you to imagine she is pointing to her own creative masterpiece.
Good job Jocelyn! We had a great time at the ceremony and the following car show. I would have taken a few photos, however, someone - I won't mention who but her initials are STACIE - misplaced my beloved camera- :-)
Hi. . I just found your blog through my sitemeter b/c you have a link to me! Hey, thanks! I'm glad you like reading my randomness and extremely verbose explanations of what I'm learning! I see that you have lots of adoptve mamas on your blogroll, are you in the process?
Nice to meet you!
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