Saturday, July 26, 2008

Cleaning and destruction.....

We have signed the loan application and are waiting for signed paperwork from the selling bank. While we wait, we have been cleaning and .......... cutting holes in the floor.

For some reason known only to God and the previous residents, the top layer of sub floor was removed and vinyl squares were put down on the remaining 1/2" plywood. Well, if you have ever tried to walk on 1/2" plywood resting on joists, for any length of time, you know that eventually the plywood is going to wear down and break. SO, there were numerous holes all the way through the sub floor, meaning if you had a flashlight, you could look past the insulation under the house, and all the way to the dirt!


Cam and Gavin have been crawling around on the remaining plywood, cutting out the weak and broken areas, and have successfully replaced and braced all necessary areas. Next they will be putting down the 3/4" flooring to bring the house back up to code.

While they are crawling around in the kitchen, dining room and entry way, my Mom and I have been vacuuming and shampooing the carpets. So far the play room, family room, downstairs spare room and living room are done. (Actually the living room will need another going over as the water is still coming up looking like creamed coffee.) When the living room is done, we will move on to the other downstairs bedrooms, then the stairs and the upstairs rooms. Gavin has already scrubbed the hall bathroom downstairs, so we still have the other 2 bathrooms to clean also.

I will put up more pictures as soon as I can get to a computer where I can download them!

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