Friday, April 25, 2008

Daddy's Little Helper

For the past 17 months, Cam has been lucky enough to be able to spend the days with the girls while I am at work. They have all grown very close, and I love to watch them interact. While Brianne and Jocelyn are in school, Claire likes to have Daddy's undivided attention. (The dishes can wait, Daddy!) Picture a 37 year old man on the floor with the dolls, cars, coloring books and crayons...oh, and don't forget the bristle blocks! When Jocelyn comes home from school, she gains a shadow, even on the rainiest of days. Claire has become J's shadow, wanting to be everywhere J is, and do everything J is doing. From coloring to make-up, Claire is in. She loves to let J give her makeovers and release the girly-girl in each of them.
The girls cuddling in the morning
Brianne has never really been a girly-girl. As a sophmore in high school, getting ready to go to Prom, she is just recently starting to enjoy dressing up and getting her hair and makeup done. I'll have to post some pictures after Prom next weekend.
From our trip to San Francisco last year. The headphones are for a walking tour through Alcatraz.


Someday...I will have a craft room for my sewing, scrapbooking, stamping, knitting, needle point, photography...

Someday...I will I will learn to belly dance.

Someday...I will learn to scuba dive.

Someday...I will go rappelling again.

Someday...I will own another horse.

Someday...I will take an underwater photography class.

Someday...I will visit another continent.

Someday...I will take the trip to Spain that I missed out on in high school.(Thanks NMC School Board!)

Someday...I will adopt. children will grow up and want to move out of my house.

Someday...I will get around to documenting, in writing, the lives of my children.
